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  • Nigel Wellings

This is a Bit Freaky

Updated: May 2

This is a bit freaky. Reality changes the closer we look. So when we look through a microscope appearance change - we discover that things - all things - consist of particles that we call protons, neutrons and electrons. However we can now look even deeper, using a particle accelerator, and then we enter a world that consists of quarks and leptons. A world that is totally unimaginable and that in the future may turn out itself to be made of even more unimaginably minute energetic events.

Now the freaky bit. When I think about this, in my imagination I see someone looking down a microscope or dials on a vast machine that travels in a circle underground somewhere is Switzerland. - the particle accelerator. However, the person who is looking - let’s say it is ourselves - and what we are looking through, is also made up of the same quarks and leptons that are being viewed. In fact what we call ‘viewing' is also quarks and leptons, there is nothing else. So what in fact is happening is that quarks and leptons are viewing themselves.

Beginning to sound a bit Buddhist? You bet. The fundamental nature of reality is an inconceivable awareness that knows itself. In Tibetan, rangjung yeshe, self-knowing wisdom..

NW. 15 April 2024

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Hennie Symington
Hennie Symington
19 de abr.

This piece has been truly inspiring to actually reflect on. So is it that no moment is still , nothing is solid or separate even when silently observing its all at once, like a circulation , everything connected.


16 de abr.

It is mind blowing to think of this!

Nigel Wellings
18 de abr.
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The blown mind is the same as what has blown it!😀

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